Customer service

Customer service

Customer service

Our customer service team is always ready to respond to every need with professionalism and timeliness. Whether you need a spare part, a system upgrade or maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled, or if you need an intervention to restore your machine’s original geometries and accuracy, our team of experts is here to ensure maximum support and operational continuity for your grinding machine.
We are we are constantly committed to keeping your machines at their peak performance.

Customer service – Rosa s.p.a. – Grindtech

Our customer service team is always ready to respond to every need with professionalism and timeliness. Whether you need a spare part, a system upgrade or maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled, or if you need an intervention to restore your machine’s original geometries and accuracy, our team of experts is here to ensure maximum support and operational continuity for your grinding machine.
We are we are constantly committed to keeping your machines at their peak performance.

Maintenance Services

Our streamlined and well-organized structure allows us to carry out technical interventions quickly, punctually and competently. The availability of original spare parts and our knowledge, as manufacturers, of all construction specifications are a guarantee of an excellent end result.

We offer full coverage of all possible maintenance needs, with the option of using new parts or, in some cases of strategic parts, reconditioned, recall or exchange of those to be repaired.

Our work on the mechanical part includes a wide range of activities to ensure maximum efficiency of your machines. Every detail is taken care of, from the replacement of broken or worn parts to general cleaning, to restore the machine to its optimal condition of precision and functionality.

As with the mechanical part, maintenance of the electrical part covers a wide range of work, from replacement of the dicontrol unit using the most up-to-date solutions available on the market, motor and encoder cables, electrical and electronic components inside the electrical panel, to the pushbutton box, conduits and electrical wires on board the machine.

We also offer complete machine overhaul service at our workshop. Your machine is completely disassembled and checked in every part, with recovery of components in good condition and replacement of those that can no longer guarantee proper operation. The service includes cleaning and painting before complete reassembly and geometric testing of the machine. We provide, where necessary, new technical documentation, such as wiring diagrams and manuals

Spare parts

Our spare parts service with original parts, made by us or purchased directly from the manufacturer in the case of trade parts, offers significant advantages. Timeliness in supply reduces downtime, ensuring operational continuity. In addition, the quality of original parts ensures perfect compatibility and guarantees continuity of grinding machine performance. Relying on manufacturer’s parts means investing in safety and efficiency, protecting the integrity of your production.

Spare parts

Our spare parts service with original parts, made by us or purchased directly from the manufacturer in the case of trade parts, offers significant advantages. Timeliness in supply reduces downtime, ensuring operational continuity. In addition, the quality of original parts ensures perfect compatibility and guarantees continuity of grinding machine performance. Relying on manufacturer’s parts means investing in safety and efficiency, protecting the integrity of your production.


Training is another essential service we offer to customers both in the start-up phase of the plant and in other phases of the grinding machine’s life, for the arrival of new personnel or for the need to review the different processing steps. With our training interventions, the effectiveness and efficiency of machining operations can be maximized. With proper training, operators can make the most of the machine’s potential, reducing waste and increasing the speed of execution. A well-trained staff not only prevents errors and malfunctions, but also optimizes the quality of the final product, ensuring competitiveness and success in the marketplace.


Training is another essential service we offer to customers both in the start-up phase of the plant and in other phases of the grinding machine’s life, for the arrival of new personnel or for the need to review the different processing steps. With our training interventions, the effectiveness and efficiency of machining operations can be maximized. With proper training, operators can make the most of the machine’s potential, reducing waste and increasing the speed of execution. A well-trained staff not only prevents errors and malfunctions, but also optimizes the quality of the final product, ensuring competitiveness and success in the marketplace.