
Whistleblowing – Rosa s.p.a. – Grindtech
ROSA ERMANDO S.P.A. guarantees a work environment in which it is possible to freely report any illegitimate behaviour that may have taken place within the Company. For that purpose, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023, the Company has implemented a Whistleblowing system, through:- activation of specific reporting channels (for example, IT platform) which guarantee the confidentiality, also through the use of encryption, of the identity of the whistleblower, of the reported person, of the person mentioned in the report, of the content and documentation of the report;
- entrusting the management of the report to an independent, specifically dedicated and trained subject external to the Company;
- implementation of a Whistleblowing procedure;
- implementation of the “privacy document” relating to the confidential processing of personal data provided with the report.
Online Platform Parrot (LINK Platform + LINK Submission of report via parrot wb)
Reporting by face to face meeting (LINK)
Privacy policy ex art. 13 whistleblower (LINK)
Privacy policy ex art. 14 reported person (LINK)